I’m so glad you’re here.

Let’s create a sacred sanctuary of rewilding ourselves, reclaiming our menstrual and menopausal power, and connecting to earth.  

  • There is power in the menstrual cycle

    Imagine a woman who is celebrated for her first bleed, who navigates the powers within her cycles, and who at menopause claims her wise power with vibrancy and purpose. 

    That woman is you. 

Hi, I’m Jeni

Hello, dear one. 

This linear 24/7 world isn’t made for our cyclical, feminine bodies or spirits. Yet for thousands of years, this wisdom and our moon blood has been severely stripped from us, shamed, and even cursed. 

Now it’s common to live our lives ignoring the vital signals our body gives us, ignoring our menstruation as if it’s something to be reviled or repressed, trying to live as if nothing significant is happening. 

Until my 40s, I never understood my innate cycles. I didn’t understand why sometimes I had more physical strength, why sometimes I’d be in a foggy confused haze while sitting at my computer at work, or why sometimes I was euphorically and gloriously confident, juicy, and on top of the world.

I wanted to be THAT woman. All the time. And I felt a sense of shame and failure that I couldn’t constantly be her.

Then something interesting started to happen in my early 40s. I started to notice my different rhythms, and when I menstruated, it started to feel sacred. On a pilgrimage to the UK when I was 42, I came across teachings about cyclical wisdom that completely flipped my world. 

Suddenly, everything started making sense. I started to live more in flow with myself. 

And I was very angry.

Angry that I never knew this fundamental wisdom about myself, about the sacredness and power in my menstruation, and about the different energies that ebbed and flowed throughout my cycle.

I was angry no one had ever taught me this.

I fell in love with my cycle. I learned to fully accept and embrace whoever I was at any given day.

Now I’m in the midst of my menopause rite of passage, and I’m in my menopause sabbatical, stepping back from the demands of life. For menopause, too, I had to face much anger and grief at how this most powerful, potent time of a woman’s life has been stripped from us.

Of course it’s unsurprising that our menstrual and menopausal wisdom has been suppressed, because therein lies our greatest feminine power and authority.

The beautiful part is, now we don’t have to live by this narrative anymore. We don’t have to keep forcing our lives into a shape that leads to burnout, shame, and feelings of failure.

When we reclaim our natural hormonal cycles and get to really know our bodies and our rhythms, when we understand what to expect during certain key phases of our cycle, and when we then plan ahead as best as we can…

THEN we live our lives in flow, in our own power, in our own unique way that fits us in the way it needs to. We live with a fulfilling and rooted sense of belonging with ourselves.

And at the end of our cycling years in menopause, when we reclaim our wise power, our inner authority and purpose, and claim it for the initiatory rite of passage it is, we also own our own power. It’s possible to have a vibrant, restful menopause, even if the cultural narrative strongly tells us differently. 

I’ve created Red Earth Roundhouse because I dream of gathering you all together in a safe, nurturing, sacred circle, as our ancestors did, to dream back our feminine wildness, to deeply anchor our moon blood and menopausal authority as a root into the earth.

An earth that is richly saturated with our love and reverence.

I warmly invite you to journey together with me through the sacred rites of passage of your life, claiming your feminine power as your inherent birthright.

Upcoming offerings

Menopause rite of passage retreat

November 8-10, 2024
Osage Forest of Peace, Sand Springs, OK

You’re invited to a nourishing weekend of support and learning about the initiatory gifts of perimenopause and menopause. Claim your experience in a sacred rite of passage ceremony.

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~ Cynde, retreat participant

The variety of activities during the Spring Equinox retreat were wonderful! We experienced the sacred process of collecting gifts of love offered at the Forest over the past years and honoring them together. We cooked, ate, participated in a tea ceremony and had meditations daily. A joyous time full of rest and community at its finest.”

~ Anna, retreat participant

“I felt so held by the ceremonies Jeni guided us through, which made this time of year meaningful in a way I’d never realized before. ”

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