Autumn harvest traditions: Descent into the mystery of transformation

November 1-3, 2024
Osage Forest of Peace
Sand Springs, OK

  • This weekend retreat will explore the threshold of the year for descending into the darkness of winter.

A time of year when the veil is thin…

Around October 31 and November 1 is a cluster of autumn spiritual traditions that include Halloween, the Celtic Samhain, the Christian All Saints’ Day, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), and the Hindu Diwali. Halloween has become a fun, light-hearted night for children and adults in costume.

The other observances, however, continue to provide opportunities for reflecting on both the reality of death and the hope of renewal and continuance.

The latter hope is rooted in a sense of eternity and connecting with our ancestors. The veil between the seen world of matter and the unseen world of spirit becomes thin.

It is a time to drift, dream and vision, a time for inner journeys connecting to the wisdom within yourself.

  • Bring something to place on our communal ofrenda altar that speaks to you about what has departed or is departing from your life. It can represent a departed loved one or pet, or something you’re letting go of, such as a job or way of life. Examples include a departed loved one’s favorite food or drink, ornamental or personal belongings, sugar skulls, flowers, candles, pictures, and so on.

  • Journal.

What to bring

About the retreat

This threshold into the dark phase of the year’s cycle is when the mystery of transformation occurs. This process involves a descent and a death of something old in preparation for something new to be reborn.

This is an auspicious time of year to descend into the Cave of the Mothers dream chamber, located on the Forest of Peace grounds. This is a womb-like space, dedicated to the Dark Mother, for descending into darkness and rebirthing yourself in a new way.

We can honor the cycle by being aware that each end and death of the old will bring opportunity for a new start, as each beginning holds within it an end. This endless cycle of change is essential, bringing renewal to our lives.

During this season of descending into the darkness of winter, we’ll explore together:

  • What does eternity mean to you?

  • When and how do you experience it?

  • What is your relationship with those who have gone before you?

  • How do we journey through grief and loss, whether the loss of a person, a job, a way of life, and so on?

Together, we’ll:

  • Hold sacred ceremony for this threshold of the year.

  • Create a communal ofrenda altar with offerings for what has departed from our lives.

  • Descend into the nurturing womb of the Cave of the Mothers.

  • Explore the journeys of death, grief, and transformation.

  • Decorate our communal table with symbols of the season, such as pumpkins, sugar skulls, leaves, etc.

  • Pause for individual periods of silence and reflection.

  • Day 01 / Opening ceremony

    Intro to the weekend, opening ceremony, creating our ofreda altar.

  • Day 02 / Sessions and activities

    Learning sessions, activities, and periods for rest and self-reflection.

  • Day 03 / Closing ceremony

    Closing ceremony and sharing time, followed by Sunday brunch.

What’s included

Retreat location

The retreat is located at the beautiful Osage Forest of Peace interspiritual retreat center, located in Sand Springs, OK, on the traditional, ancestral lands of the Osage Nation.aExperience the beauty and privacy of 45 wooded acres on a ridge between Keystone Lake and Shell Lake, just 20 minutes from downtown Tulsa.

The Forest facilities includes private cabins nestled among the trees, a beautiful chapel with big picture windows, and sacred spaces such as:

  • Cave of the Mothers underground temple to the Divine Feminine.

  • Woodland labyrinth.

  • Zen Garden.

  • Trails.

  • Mary’s Grotto.

  • Dragonfly Meadow.

Check out the beautiful Cave of the Mothers here:


(Subject to change)


1:30-5:30 Arrival, check in, settle into cabins if staying overnight. 

4:30 Community meditation (optional)

5:30 Dinner

6:30 Intro to the weekend, opening ceremony, and creating our ofreda altar.


7:00 Community meditation (optional).

7:00-9:00 Self-serve silent breakfast.

9:00 Morning session.

11:00 Rest time and integration.

12:00 Community meditation (optional).

12:30 Lunch and free time.

2:30 Afternoon session.

4:30 Rest time or community meditation (optional).

5:30 Dinner.

7:00 Evening gathering. 


7:00 Community meditation (optional).

7:00-9:00 Self-serve silent breakfast.

9:00 Rest or your own choice of activities at the Forest.

10:00 Closing ceremony and sharing time.

11:00 Brunch.


You can choose to stay overnight in a cabin or to commute to the retreat every day from your home.

If you choose to commute, we kindly ask that you commit yourself to the weekend and the schedule of the retreat to avoid disruptions to the group.

  • Single Occupancy in a cabin: $200.00

  • Double Occupancy in a cabin: $340.00

  • Commuter Registration Full Retreat: $60.00

Sign up  here!

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