Honoring the sacred oak

🌳 I live in an oak grove. Oaks are sacred, mystical trees, worshipped by druids who practiced their rites in oak groves. The word “druid” may also mean “knower of the oak tree.” 

The mighty oak is a national symbol of strength in England. As I’m currently deepening into relationship with my lineage of ancestors, I’m seeing the oaks I’m grateful to live among with new eyes. I’m spending more time connecting with them…

…making offerings of acorn trails 🌰

…listening to what they have to share

…laying my hands quietly on the bark of their trunks and

…feeling the energy of their sway in the wind

..I’m learning where the mother hawks make their nests in the arms of an oak 🦅

…I grieve when a grandmother oak falls in the forest

…I wonder about my ancestors who were druids, I feel it in my bones that this was so, that the acorn seeds of their reverence are growing oak strength within me

…I’m speaking to the oaks so they get to know my voice

…every morning when I arise I sit with them and sing ancient ancestral songs…do they still remember?

…every night before bed I step out and feel their comforting shelter in the moonlight and I sing Celtic lullabies

…I walk quietly amongst them on full moon nights in winter, when they seem very sentient with their silver robes of moonlight

…a few weeks ago I had a lucid dream where I lifted my head off the pillow and saw the oak trees walking past my windows…and this I believe. 💚


Rewilding my silver hair


50th birthday pilgrimage